Mission and Ministries

Christian Education
We believe in spiritual growth as a life-long process. Our education ministry includes Adult Sunday School, Children's Church and Nursery, and the Kingdom Kids group meeting biweekly on Sunday afternoons. Each summer, the whole Troy Community comes together for an incredible week of Vacation Bible School.

Music Ministry
Our Troy Choir meets every Wednesday in the church parlor at 7:00 pm. Join us as we raise our voices in song!

Presbyterian Women
The Troy PresbyterianWomen meet monthly for Bible Study, fellowship and a variety of outreach projects.

Burnamwood Camp and Conference Center
Troy children, youth and adults actively participate in camps, conferences and service projects at Burnamwood - the year-round camp and conference center of Transylvania Presbytery.

Woodford County Food Pantry
Troy Church members regularly volunteer at the Food Pantry and have a long history of involvement in bringing food security to our community through the quarterly 5 cents a Meal Hunger Offering and Souper Bowl of Caring.

Woodford County Backpack Buddies
Troy volunteers join with other churches in this ecumenical outreach to be sure no child goes home hungry on the weekends.

Living Waters for the World
A project to bring clean water for those who need it most across the world, Troy is a global partner and has sent mission teams to install water systems in Mexico.
Traditional Worship
Country Friendship
Faith in the Living Christ
Our Mission
Troy Presbyterian Church is a congregation of persons who trust and obey Jesus Christ.
As such, we, the members, are the body that carries on His mission today.
Troy offers a wide array of opportunities to get involved in mission, ministry, outreach, service, and spiritual growth
for every member of our Troy Family.
See below for a sampling of our mission and ministries at Troy!